The project DIGITO ERGO SUM won the award Giovani Talenti Creativi 2016 of Comune di San Lazzaro di Savena (BO, Italy), had debut at the International Theatre Festival Teen Fest in Bucarest on 1st October 2017 and saison 2017/2018 of National Theatre ERT Arena del Sole (Bologna).
"Digito" portrays two characters’ tragicomic search for their place in the world and for their true IDENTITY.
Does TECHNOLOGY really mean new opportunities for communication and self-fulfilment?
Our heroines meet each other at a “SOCIAL” selection. They constantly re-invent their identity, and eventually lose it, for the sake of being likeable and successful. As in a reality show, an invisible voice, seductive and omnipresent, leads the selection through several tests, while the ‘followers’—i.e. the audience, with whom the two characters constantly interact, are the jury.
The CRISIS is the central theme of the show, emerging from virtual relations, the ambiguity of communication, and the daily fight of the protagonists with themselves. Real and virtual life, humanity and inhumanity overlap each other. As in a contemporary transposition of Plato’s myth of the cave, the two women are like projections on the walls of a room; they are only able to interpret the surrounding world through a screen.
They look online for new models and instructions promising them happiness, in a desperate attempt to fill their human vacuum. Mass media convey appealing distortions of reality and absolute models of external beauty.
A contemporary drama goes on stage, in which people are unable to understand the reality in which they are immersed, while their repressed intimate world is ready to explode, against the OTHER, the enemy par excellence.
Digito ergo sum is the tragicomic tale of a humankind in crisis, voracious and unscrupulous, falling into technology addiction as a shield against loneliness and inadequacy. It is a both moving and repulsive story at the same time, eliciting both irritation and identification in the public. In their continuous shifting between real and virtual life, essence and appearance, the two protagonists could be seen as modern sacred icons, unconscious heroines of today's collective imagination.
DI e CON Ulduz Ashraf Gandomi e Cecilia Lorenzetti
REGIA Alessandra Tomassini
VOCE Fabrizio Carbone
aiuto regia Fabrizio Carbone Marta Sappa
adattamento drammaturgico Camilla Mattiuzzo
movimenti di scena Daniela Mariani
sound designer Marianna Murgia
lighting designer e locandina Daniela Gullo
costumi Jone Filippi Elena Sueri
video proiezioni Aras Ashraf Gandomi
tecnico luci Marco Gigliotti
tecnico audio Fabio Vassallo
organizzatrici Antonella Nitti e Nicole Garofoli
ufficio stampa Carla Monni
progetto realizzato grazie al Premio Giovani Talenti Creativi 2016 del Comune di San Lazzaro (BO)
foto di scena Susanna Regazzi
1st October Excelsior Teen Fest Bucharest